Over 30 years in the crane hire industry is a long time. We've never experienced times like these.
The recent spread of COVID-19 cases in Victoria has had a major impact on the construction industry and has been devastating to other sectors such as hospitality and tourism.
Construction of critical and essential infrastructure, and services to support these projects, continues but despite this, there have still been stand-downs, layoffs, and the delay or cancellation of other projects in the industry.
Associated Rigging feels fortunate to still be providing our crane hire and rigging services during the pandemic. This includes during Stage 3 Regional Victoria restrictions and Stage 4 Metropolitan Melbourne restrictions.
This video details some of the many services we are still providing and highlights some of our projects over the years.
During the COVID-19 crisis, the safety and wellbeing of our employees and clients remain our top priority. We are currently working under our High-Risk COVID Safe Plan so you can be assured we have implemented 'best practice' safety standards.
Our business has a number of measures in place. They are extensive. Some of these measures are as follows:
employee health screening prior to each shift;
hand hygiene;
personal hygiene;
cleaning of equipment, vehicles and tools;
reduction of shared equipment and tools;
face coverings and PPE;
cleaning of work areas, including communal areas;
physical distancing;
signage and floor markings;
procedures in place for the reporting and management of COVID-19 suspected and positive cases;
delivery protocols;
transportation of employees;
management of hoists and lifts;
record-keeping and communication;
workplace mapping;
business continuity planning; and
workplace closure and re-opening procedures.
Companies operating in our industry have always been supportive of each other and in times like these, it's never been more important. Our industry will continue to stick together and work our way through these challenging times.
We thank our clients for their ongoing support. We will get through this together.
Next story - A sensory space to inspire