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Bluehats suicide prevention leads to 270% increase in construction workers seeking support

Associated Rigging

Incolink Bluehats program
Volunteers wear a blue hardhat on-site to show they can be approached for support. Photo courtesy of Incolink.

Recently, Associated Rigging became involved in Incolink’s Bluehats Suicide Awareness and Prevention Initiative. Bluehats is a peer support network of workers supporting workers.

First launched in 2018, the program was developed in partnership with unions and employers to address the increasing suicide rates among construction workers and to support their wellbeing.

It provides training to workers to enable them to identify signs of stress and poor mental health among their peers - this includes signs someone might be thinking about suicide.

Once training is complete, volunteers wear a blue hardhat on-site to indicate they can be approached for support. The skills learned in training are transferrable and can benefit families, friends, sporting clubs, and the wider community.

So far, over 5,000 workers have learned how to take care of their mental health and how to look out for their workmates on-site. More importantly, those workers now know about the increased risk of suicide in construction and where to get help.

Associated Rigging involved in Bluehats program
A small portion of our team (Darcy Hoare third from left)

Associated Rigging's General Manager, Darcy Hoare, said he’s seen the impact poor mental health can have on the workplace and is enthusiastic to become a Bluehat.

“I’ve seen a lot of mental health challenges in the industry so I was keen to learn how to best support others who might be struggling. With the support and training provided by the Bluehats team - I thought it was a fantastic opportunity to support my workmates and make a difference”.

Work in the construction industry can be physically and mentally demanding and the hours can be long. Workers can be expected to accept difficult work conditions without complaint at the expense of their health, to achieve project deadlines - and to fit in.

Domenic Vigilanti; Manager of Intervention & Support Programs at Incolink, heads the Bluehats team of counsellors in Victoria and Tasmania who provide mental health first aid training and attend construction sites.

Domenic Vigilanti - Incolink Bluehats Program
Domenic Vigilanti talks about suicide prevention. Photo courtesy of Incolink.

Dom explained, “The building and construction industry has strong conformity to masculine stereotypes such as self-reliance and stoicism. Help-seeking behaviour and expression of emotion are often perceived as weakness rather than a character of strength.”

He said this results in the stigmatisation of suicidal behaviour and poor mental health and can make individuals hesitant to reach out for help.

Recently, shifts in community perception and public health initiatives have supported individuals being able to self-identify a mental health issue and seek help.

Reach out for support

Dom encourages workers to reach out for help with family, friends, and professionals - and to do it sooner rather than later. He added “Doing activities that you enjoy supports your physical, mental and social wellbeing. This builds resilience and a capacity to cope with everyday stressors.”

Darcy feels confident Associated Rigging’s involvement in the program will have a positive impact on the entire workplace. “Everyone in the workplace should learn about the warning signs for suicide and how to spot if a workmate needs help. By tackling the stigma head on, we can improve workplace morale, increase safety, and work more productively”.

Incolink has developed a research partnership with Dr. Kylie King from Monash University and a research grant supported by Suicide Prevention Australia. This research will evaluate the effectiveness of the Bluehats program moving forward.


Want to become a Bluehat or become involved in the program?

The Incolink Bluehats team (counsellors and facilitators) deliver a one-hour general awareness session (GAS) on suicide prevention and mental health to construction sites. From there, workers can register to become a Bluehats volunteer and complete an intensive workshop in suicide prevention training, comprised of a four-hour workshop and one-hour online training program.

For further information (workers and employers) register your interest via the website or

directly by contacting Incolink’s head office.


Need support?

You're not alone. The following support services are available to help.

Incolink Logo

1300 000 129 For Members of Incolink 24/7 Counselling

DirectLine Logo

1800 888 236 Alcohol & Drug Counselling & Referral

Lifeline Logo

13 11 14 Crisis Support

1300 659 467 Suicide Call Back

Relationships Australia logo

1300 364 277 Support for Couples & Families

Mens Line Logo

1300 789 978 Support for Men

Beyond Blue Logo

1300 224 636 Depression & Anxiety Support

Headspace Logo

1800 650 890 Support for Young Adults

Wire Womens Support Logo

1300 134 130 Women's Information & Referral Exchange


Special thanks to the Bluehats team, in particular Domenic Vigilanti,

for their assistance, information and photos.


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